Arquivo de Artigos

  • 08/01/2018 21:54

    Monetizar o site

    Nosso site tem cumprido sua missão de despertar o conhecimento em cada vez mais pessoas. Com o aumento das visitas, o provedor Webnode restringe o número de downloads do site após passar certo limite. Para permitir uma melhor condição, estamos adicionando os anúncios do Google no site para que...

  • 27/12/2016 11:37

    Site atualizado

    Novo look&feel, mais moderno e de fácil leitura

  • 16/04/2014 12:55

    Educação - Apresentando Agon-shu

    Para aqueles visitantes que tem condições de entender inglês, compartilho o vídeo de apresentação disponível no Youtube.

  • 01/09/2012 23:01

    History Channel - O Livro Tibetano dos Mortos

    Link para video no Youtube contendo o especial do History Channel sobre o Livro Tibetando dos Mortos  

  • 25/03/2011 23:09

    Site atualizado

    Carregado novo vídeo sobre o Livro Tibetano dos Mortos.

  • 18/09/2010 11:10

    35. Por que Budistas usam tanto incenso?

    35. Why do Buddhists use a lot of incense? Many kinds of incense are used in the temple during prayers and services. Much significance is attached to its use. Incense can be divided into the following two types: (1) Burning incense This type of incense is widely used in stick or ground form. These...

  • 18/09/2010 11:10

    34. Existem punições no Budismo?

    34. Are there punishments in Buddhism? Punishment doled out by a divine power is widely believed in many religions. If you do not believe in God, or if you commit a sin, you may face punishment, and as a result, you may not be able to go to heaven. Buddhism does not believe in punishment by a...

  • 18/09/2010 11:09

    33. Por que o Budismo enfatiza a Meditação?

    33. Why does Buddhism emphasize Meditation? Buddhism is a teaching to lead you to spiritual awakening. There are many methods to reach this goal. The key is to know your own mind as it truly is. Do you know everything about yourself? If you know well your physical body and its function, you can...

  • 18/09/2010 11:08

    32. Onde é nossa mente?

    32. Where is our mind? It is easy to recognize our physical bodies by using our five senses, however, it is hard to define where we have our mind. Some say that our mind is in our brain. Others may say that our mind is in our heart. Most scientists say that our brains control all of our physical...

  • 18/09/2010 11:08

    29. Buda é um Salvador?

    29. Is Buddha a Savior? When Shakyamuni preached his teaching to people, he did not ask anyone to rely on him. He taught people how to be liberated from sufferings, but he did not claim himself as a Savior even once. His last words to his disciples were, " Make of yourself a light. Rely upon...

Itens: 1 - 10 de 74
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Budismo Japonês

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